Monday, May 9, 2011

Reaching out of Bounds Project

1. What would you do differently if you did it again?
I made the canvas size for the first photo too large... so there's a lot of leftover black space that sort of takes away from the project.

2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate this project?
A 9--- I had a lot of fun with this, it was a good beginners project, and was not too tedious or difficult but still taught you a lot.

3. What do you think you were meant to learn during this unit and did it work?
I learned adding shadows, putting layers in their proper places to make the image turn out like you want, changing colors to add depth to the photo, and how to make an image pop out of another image and look realistic.

4. Did it turn out like you thought it would?
Pretty much-- as I said before, I wish I knew better how to estimate the canvas size, but for the most part, I'm happy with my results.

5. How is the class going for you in general?
Still loving it, still having fun with everything, and still learning a lot about the class and the techniques you can apply to photos. 

1 comment:

  1. yeah, i was almost gonna suggest cropping the canvas so that there's less empty black space, but then i looked at it again, and i think i like it this way. it gives it so much depth -- like the painting's in a huge room. i think it's neat. i can almost hear the echo.

    besides that, the only thing that caught my eye is the crop on the tutorial image -- it's a tad boxy around this fingers, rather than rounded. i would suggest using bezier curves or shorter segments to remedy this.

    great job, as always.

    Creativity: 100
    Artistry: 95
    Effort: 100
    Mastery of Unit Goals: 100
    Followed Directions: 100

    Unit AVG: 99
