1. Did it turn out like you thought it would?
It turned out better than I thought it would! I'm very happy with the resulting project (top: Mila Kunis)
2. Of what are you most proud?
I had a difficult time with the resolution, but I figured it out for the photo and that really made the art look put together. I also really like to difference in hue and coloring.
3. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate this project?
I thought this was a really fun project, a good starter project. Definitely a 9.
4. How would you make this project better for future students?
Have them experiment with the coloring mostly
5. What were your favorite and least favorite aspects of this project?
Favorite, most of it. Getting to play with the color, drawing in everything, etc. However, and this was mostly the tutorial, I kept getting screwed up and losing my original photo when I would come to the point of pasting the black and white version over the original to help me color.
i think your mila kunis image is a way cooler picture than the tutorial one. in fact, the tutorial girl is kind of lame. but these are both flawless. great job.
Creativity: 100
Artistry: 100
Effort: 100
Mastery of Unit Goals: 100
Followed Directions: 100
Unit AVG: 100