Thursday, April 14, 2011

Masking Fur Project

1. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate this project?
I'd give this about a 7-- it was a fun, simple project that didn't require a whole lot of effort.

2. What were your favorite and least favorite aspects of this project?
As necessary as it is, I don't like the liquifying tool-- it helps with masking the fur, but it can be a hassle, because it's easy to overstretch the skin and make it look weird. There is a lot of preciseness involved with the project depending on which animals you choose, but thats honestly the most difficult part, and its not that hard. My favorite part is the result, and matching the animals together in order to start masking.

3. How would you rate your own creativity on this project?
I'd give myself, on a 1 to 10 scale, a 6 or a 7. I like the pigelot (ocelot and pig), but its not quite what I wanted.

4. What would you do differently if you did it again?
I would choose different animals. This is a fun project, and I'd like to do it again.

5. Did it turn out like you thought it would?
Pretty much-- I'm happy with the results.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Placing Tattoos Project

1. How would you rate your creativity on this project?
I honesty thought my idea was better than it turned out... I think it turned out okay, but I guess my expectations weren't really met.
2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate this project?
3. Was anything unexpected?
The liquifying of the picture was actually a tad difficult... I had more ease with it in the second project than in the original.
4. Of what are you most proud?
I really like both pictures I chose, but I think I could have found a better way to make them work together... I think it looks realistic, but it also looks a bit odd to me.
5. How would you make this project better for future students?
Giving them a variety of options and techniques to make the tattoo and body part work together a bit better-- I thought the tutorial was a bit vague.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pop Art Project

 1. Did it turn out like you thought it would?
It turned out better than I thought it would! I'm very happy with the resulting project (top: Mila Kunis)

2.  Of what are you most proud?
I had a difficult time with the resolution, but I figured it out for the photo and that really made the art look put together. I also really like to difference in hue and coloring.

3. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate this project?
I thought this was a really fun project, a good starter project. Definitely a 9.

4. How would you make this project better for future students?
Have them experiment with the coloring mostly

5. What were your favorite and least favorite aspects of this project?
Favorite, most of it. Getting to play with the color, drawing in everything, etc. However, and this was mostly the tutorial, I kept getting screwed up and losing my original photo when I would come to the point of pasting the black and white version over the original to help me color.


Friday, April 1, 2011

Swapping Faces Project

1. What do you think you were meant to learn during this unit and did it work?
 I learned about replacing the face and other various body parts from one photo into another. It actually taught me a bit how magazines will make certain edits to their photos, such as shading certain parts of the body, toning the body more, etc. to make the photo (and really, the model or whoever is in the photo) look more... well, photogenic. Though I don't always agree with this method, it was quite interesting, and I liked this project a lot. I thought it was quite funny :)
2. Did anything take longer than you thought it would?
Making the skin tones match was somewhat difficult, mainly in the first photo though because the man's skin tone had more magenta and cyan, whereas the girl had more yellow in hers.
3. Of what are you most proud?
I'm actually pretty proud of the second photo... Granted, it was easy, but I thought this was a funny idea.
4. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate this project?
I'd give this project an 8. A good starter project for the class, simple and teaches you some basic Photoshop techniques.
5. How is the class going in general?
I'm really happy I switched in this Photoshop class, and I'm very excited to continue learning how to work this program. It's also a very nice way to end the day.